Feature Your Organization as an OFFICIAL SPONSOR and participate at the 21st of September Peaceday.TV supporting the FUTURO-Plan from Zaragoza for 2025! |
Are you feeling the pain of the global economic crisis?
Most of us are. -- In the shops, at the fuel pumps, at the money distributor. All over the world, the poorest among us are struggling to survive, struggling to provide food, or wondering when they will eat again.
We all, to different degrees, share in and are affected by this uncertain economic situation.
Just as we are all affected by the situation, we can all change it. Do you want to do something about it? You and I can change the world; make it a better place for you and all our children. Globalization makes our task all the more easy.
The children are our future. Their hope is in your hands. What happens to children in their first period of their lives is essential in their development (intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally), and thus the development of our society and the world.
Are you shocked when you see the news? I am.

"Children being Killed while going to school. Wars in many Regions of our Planet! The Financial Crisis that is destroying millions of honest Families! For Political Reasons!?!"
World Peace is possible with our FUTURO World Peace Plan.
What I present is easy if you can think SIMPLE. So simple in fact, that the entire plan can be presented on a simple Excel Spreadsheet. Click below to DOWNLOAD THE FUTURO PLAN FOR YOUR VERSION OF EXCEL.
Many other petitioners around the world feel the same! Many petitioners have signed up from this page! Help this number grow.
Our Planet Earth and all of Humanity is counting on you to enter Your name into HISTORY by signing the
FUTURO-Plan Petition today and becoming number $ptn! REMEMBER, All it takes is a signature to secure our children’s future!
Ask yourself what the real reasons for today's problems are? Poverty, misery, hopelessness on one side, with arrogance, selfishness and greed on the other.
The #FUTUROplan has no political or religious orientations. It is not financed by any organization, church or similar. It is a pure concept by people like you and me. It is a WORLD PEACE SOLUTION created for making our Planet Earth a Better Place. |
How can there be a SIMPLE SOLUTION for WORLD PEACE and YOU are ONLY JUST hearing about it?
The answer is simple just like the Plan itself. It only needs a few SIGNATURES from World Leaders and Financial Institutions, and NOW is the TIME to make a difference.
Now, please let me introduce myself as a concerned citizen who is making a change to the instability of our Planet. As the “Prince of Peace”, I am a man with a vision for a better world and a better life for all. I truly believe that there is a solution available that is much simpler and easier than you may think, to achieve WORLD PEACE.
It is my goal to change this situation. I have created and organized a worldwide financial and commercial system! A Monetary Solution, that will make the
Rich - richer & the Poor also Rich!
If you consider doing a little more and financially supporting the FUTURO-Plan. Make a Donation to the value of your choice. It sure will help me to implement further resources to spread the word!
The FUTURO-Plan allows EACH NEWBORN CHILD that comes into this world to benefit from interest generated by ALREADY EXISTING government backed GUARANTEES! Our economic value for each country is based on a given country's ‘gross domestic product (or GDP)'. These values are determined by production, exports, etc.
Now imagine a scenario where the ACTUAL CHILDREN, the only TRUE FUTURE for a Nation, become its principal financial asset? Could it be done?
The answer is YES!

Regardless of the ‘GDP’ value of any Nation, The FUTURO-Plan provides a SOLID and SIMPLE Mathematical Formula for a WORLD PEACE SOLUTION by creating a 30 YEAR Plan in which FAMILIES and CHILDREN receive EVERYTHING NEEDED to ensure Education, Recreation, Food, Actual Spending Money, Medical Care and More!
The FUTURO-Plan actually encourages smaller and community banking institutions to hold the Government Guarantees that pay out interest to families in the local community.
The funds that a Family will receive will also be spent back into the community, boosting local business. The FUTURO-Plan Does Not require that money be ‘spent’ by a government or institution to pave the way for our children’s future. This plan takes advantage of already existing funds that can be HELD BY ANYONE who wants to MAKE TRUE CHANGE.
The FUTURO-Plan does not require a change in POLITICS or a change in LAW! It’s a SIMPLE FORMULA that Banks will love, because banks can loan against a 30 Year Government backed Guarantee! There is enough wealth in the world for everyone, and it’s time to SIMPLY change our UNDERSTANDING of where the TRUE VALUE is, and focus it back to each child. By creating a solid foundation, The FUTURO-Plan will cause the rich to become richer, and the poor to also become rich!
My heart stumbles over the behaviour on this Planet Earth, as I truly believe is happening to all of you, as you watch the TV these days. We have seen dead children’s bodies being presented on TV, children running for their Lives while being shot going to their schools and homes, children caught between firing soldiers, after being held as hostages or under siege. It’s impossible for any person, especially a parent, to understand, regardless of religion. It has nothing to do with Religion. It is simply a sad time BUT it is within ALL of US to change it. I am ready! Are you too? Nobody likes to lose his life, not a Child, not a Terrorist. Believe me, this will not STOP if we don’t stand up for a United Solution.
I truly believe that I have what is needed to be presented, something so SIMPLE that we together can present it to the United Nations or to any Head of State that is willing to look into it. 1 x 14 x 30 The Magic Formula!
Most people today, do not see the Simplicity of the WORLD PEACE SOLUTION, because they look for something much more complicated to solve the World's Biggest Problems of our time. Hunger, Crime, Unemployment, Terrorism and much more. Look up in Google "world peace solution" to see how far we have gone already.
What I present is easy if you can think SIMPLE, Consume Less and Share more. So what can you do right now? Search the Web for "monetary reform" or "community currencies" a simple fact already in IMAKEPEACE.COM, and see that the entire monetary reform, with its community currency has a plan presented already, here on a simple Excel Spreadsheet. Click below to DOWNLOAD THE FUTURO-Plan OUR EXCEL VERSION OF VERSION .
Again let me repeat, I truly believe that I have what it is needed to be presented, something so SIMPLE that we together can present it to the United Nations or to any Head of State that is willing to look into it. 1 x 14 x 30 The Magic Formula!